
My name is Marge and I am healing.

I’ve been on this complicated journey for all 35 years of my life, although it has taken me just about that long to figure it out for myself. Most of my life has been spent in a fog of loss, grief, anger, despair, and shame, and my entire adult life spent living with debilitating chronic illness (see more at The Lyme Chronicles).

I did manage to have some fun and high points throughout the years, fortunately, but there has been nothing easy about this existence. And for decades I have wondered… what’s the point? Why me? Why do I have to have this cursed life?

I have learned a great deal along the way, and finally, have come to a place of deeper knowing and heart filled understanding.  As I rebuild my life with great intent from the inside out, I am called to continue sharing my experiences and learnings, and continue shining light in dark places.

Join me as we do our best to always remember… it’s all love. ❤